Ballydangan Bog Red Grouse Project

February 14, 2017
February 14, 2017 FACE

To prevent the decline and, in the long-term, increase the numbers, of red grouse on Ballydangan Bog. Educational work with schools and interest groups from the local community; Habitat management including heather cutting, grit provisions, scrub clearance and bog restoration; Predator control by controlling mink, red fox, hooded crow and magpie populations; Disturbance control by installing information signs for the project; Monitoring of the birdlife inhabiting the bog The project was managed by Moore Gun Club (with Roscommon Regional Game Council)

Country: Ireland
County Roscommon
Starting date:
Species: Red Grouse (Lagopus Lagopus Scotica)
Species characteristics: Huntable species, Threatened species
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife, Research and data collection, Communication, Enforcement
Leading partners: Moore Gun ClubRoscommon Regional Game Council

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