Estimating Population Size of Elusive Animals with DNA from Hunter-Collected Feces: Four Methods for Brown Bears

May 20, 2017
May 20, 2017 FACE

To test the use of non-invasive genetic sampling as a process to estimate population size Volunteer hunters were requested to submit any located bear feces. Samples were collected, submitted and genetically analysed to estimate the population size. 90% of all data submitted was submitted by hunters

Country: Sweden
Dalarna and Gavleborg counties
Starting date:
Species: Brown Bear (Ursus Arctos)
Species characteristics: Huntable species, Protected species, Threatened species
Type of actions: Research and data collection
Leading partners: Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, Agricultural University of Norway ( d?Ecologie Alpine, Génomique des Populations et Biodiversité ( Institute for Nature Research ( Brown Bear Project (

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As an international advocacy organisation, FACE actively represents the interests, values and needs of Europe’s national hunting associations, composed of 7 million hunters.

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B-1040 Bruxelles (Belgium)
+32 (0)2 732 6900

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The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of FACE and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the EC.

FACE – European Federation for Hunting and Conservation

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