Lapwing Management Plan in Italy

August 4, 2017
Posted in Birds
August 4, 2017 FACE

Increase the population of lapwings. Incentives introduced to encourage farmers to retain/restore pastoral pockets in arable areas, retain/restore damp/wet areas. Extensive data on bag sizes was collected. Temporary hunting restrictions placed where evidence exists of excessive hunting. Awareness-raising campaign of the decline of lapwings.

National program to monitor breeding populations introduced. Study of lapwing fledgeling success and reasons for failure under different management regimes was introduced. National program to monitor wintering population introduced. Limit bag size/day and /year. Hunters have a key role in management of hunting lands and pay farmers to flood lands, maintain field stubble and grasses.

Country: Italy
Starting date: 2013
Species: Northern Lapwing (Vanellus Vanellus)
Species characteristics: Huntable species, Abundant species, Migratory species
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife, Research and data collection, Communication, Enforcement
Leading partners: ACMA (

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