The return of the wolf position paper of FSHCL

December 13, 2017
December 13, 2017 FACE

To promote the formation of a wolf management plan by Luxembourg’s government in order to encourage wolf settlement within the country.

A paper was drawn up by the FSHCL lobbying the government to draw up a wolf management plan that highlighted the various factors that should be included in it. This position paper was in favour of the settlement of wolves in Luxembourg and encouraged the government to take the same position.

The position paper was drawn up by the Fédération St-Hubert des Chasseurs (FSHCL) du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Country: Luxembourg
Starting date: 2015
Species: Grey Wolf (Canis Lupus)
Species characteristics: Huntable species, Protected species
Type of actions: Policy work
Leading partners: Saint-Hubert Federation of Hunters of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg FSHCL (


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