Agreement between hunters and the Conservatoire du Littoral

April 4, 2019
April 4, 2019 FACE

After nearly two years of work, the Departmental Federation of Hunters of the Côtes d’Armor and the Conservatoire du littoral (coastal protection agency) renewed their agreement governing hunting in the natural areas owned by the protection agency.

The objective of this agreement is to achieve a cohabitation of all on the 2,300 ha area that the protection agency owns, which is characterized by a strong tourist attraction and outdoor sports.

Hunting day agreements and the regulation of hunted species are defined taking into account the characteristics of these areas. The agreement also aims to conserve space and preserve biodiversity in the face of anthropogenic ecosystem modifications.

Country: France
Species characteristics: Huntable Species
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife, Research and data collection
Leading partners: Fédération départementale des chasseurs des Côtes d'Armor

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Learn more about FACE:

As an international advocacy organisation, FACE actively represents the interests, values and needs of Europe’s national hunting associations, composed of 7 million hunters.

Contact details

Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, 1-5
B-1040 Bruxelles (Belgium)
+32 (0)2 732 6900

FACE is the Voice of European Hunters

FACE – European Federation for Hunting and Conservation

Follow us on social media: @faceforhunters
