Osprey Project – BASC

April 16, 2019
Posted in Birds
April 16, 2019 FACE

Since 2016, BASC has been actively looking after ospreys through the BASC Osprey Project. From April until August, a recommended 600m – wide disturbance-free zones are created around their nests, which means no shooting, of any kind, can take place nearby.

It’s the first initiative of this kind and magnitude taken on by BASC. The aim of the project is to carry on the conservation work and support the ospreys’ colonisation of England and Wales.

Country: United Kingdom
Starting date: 2016
Species: Osprey (Pandion Haliaetus)
Species characteristics: Birds
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife
Leading partners: BASC - British Association for Shooting and Conservation

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