The “Agrifaune” network, in partnership with the Chamber of Agriculture, ONCFS and the National Federation of Farmers’ Unions, addresses themes important to the worlds of agricultural and hunting (biodiversity, crops favourable to wildlife, landscaping, etc.).
The Hunters Federation of Côtes d’Armor contributes to the network via the regional “Agriculture and Biodiversity” programme by setting up the Agricultural Biodiversity Observatory in several farms in the department. The objective is to run this programme and to communicate with the other Breton federations to create a positive dynamic for wildlife habitats.
Country: France
Region: Brittany
Starting date: 2013
Species characteristics: Huntable species/ Other: small game plains (huntable) and not huntable species
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife, Research and data collection
Leading partners: Fédération départementale des chasseurs des Côtes d?Armor/ Le réseau Agrifaune/ Chambre d?Agriculture de Bretagne/ Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage/ Fédération nationale des syndicats d?exploitants agricoles