Wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) reintroduction and evaluation of post-release survival in Agrigento (Italy)

November 21, 2019
Posted in Mammals
November 21, 2019 FACE

Hunters promoted the research to assess reasons for decline in rabbit population, and to identify solution. Good rabbit population are very important also for predators species declining as Bonelli’s eagle (Aquila fasciata) and Lanner Falcon (Falco biarmicus feldegii).


Country: Italy
Starting date:
Species: Wild Rabbit (Oryctolagus Cuniculus)
Species characteristics: Huntable species, Threatened species
Type of actions: Research and data collection
Leading partners: Federazione Italiana della Caccia and Agrofauna, Regione Sicilia, Università di Palermo, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sicilia, Provincia di Agrigento

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