Implementation of measures to protect rare species and regulate the abundance of invasive species

January 28, 2021
January 28, 2021 FACE

Country: Lithuania
Starting date: 2012
Species: Lynx lynx; Ciconia nigra; Pandion haliaetus; Teatrao urogallus; Bison bonasus; and so on- in general there were 129 protected or threatened species involved in these measures: many birds, plants, mammals and fishes. Also, there were 71 different measure to regulate the invasive species. Project was developed and implemented for 3 years, and after that 5 years supervision and data collection was done.
Species characteristics: Threatened species
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife
Leading partners: Ministry of environment, Lithuanian hunters' and agnlers' association, Lithuanian Ornithological Society (; national forestry organizations; STATE SERVICE FOR PROTECTED AREAS under the Ministry of Environment (


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FACE – European Federation for Hunting and Conservation

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